Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Gone :(

So my sister and my mom just took me to lunch and dropped me back off and now they're gone..back to Mtn. Home. I had such a good time with them and I really felt like all we did was eat! I had to work everyday so I'd get off work and we'd go out to eat.

But I really, really needed them to come down when they did. I've been missing them a lot. Now that they're gone I'm wishing they could've stayed longer. I wish they lived in Little Rock.

Yep, that's what I really want!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mi Familia..

I'm so excited because today my whole family is going to be in Little Rock. My dad has to fly to a clinic in Louisiana so they're going to spend the night and I'm going to stay with them. Then, my mom and my sister are going to stay another night on Tuesday.

I'm so happy they're coming down.
I've been kinda down lately and seeing my family will bring my spirits up.
The thought of them coming down has already brought up my spirits.

Friday, March 20, 2009


I was going to write an entry today because I haven't wrote in a while but my mind is blank..

Monday, March 16, 2009

Uhm, hellooooo.


Wow, talk about stress, shock, realism...

That was a lot to take in and I'm still taking it in.

5? and now I'll be the 6th?


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Anne Hathaway.

Can I just say how absolutely stunning Anne Hathaway is in the new issue of the Russian GQ?